- Agronomi
- Breeding
- Sustainability
Improving Nutrient Management of Oil Palms on Sandy Soils in Kalimantan using The 4R Concept of IPNI
Fertilizer Management Effect on Oil Palm Yield and Nutrient Use Efficiency on Sandy Soils with Limited Water Supply in Central Kalimantan
Successful Intensification of Oil Palm Plantations with Best Management Practices: Impacts on Fresh Fruit Bunch and Oil Yield
Reduction of synthetic fertilizer application and heavy metal absorption on oil palm nursery related to the application of humic substances
Performa Tanaman Kelapa Sawit pada Musim Kering di Sumatera Selatan: Pengaruh Pemupukan terhadap Pertumbuhan Vegetatif dan Status Hara Tanaman
Kandungan hara serta kemantapan agregat tanah akibat penambahan limbah pabrik kelapa sawit decanter solid pada Ultisol